The red ellipses are the eight castles, which are specified according to the key at the end of this file.
The red boxes are houses, tents, and igloos. Typically you will recieve hints from th occupants of the same. They are also a good place for a low-level party to spend the mid-nights when attacks from the constellations are most frequent.
The red boxes with a cross inside represent the temples where healing is available. The temple in the desert is especially important. It is the "hermit of the sands", who dishes out clues in the form of riddles.
The little crosses are graveyards. Anyone who disturbs these deserves what he gets. (I learned after the first time).
The extremely small crosses at the north end of roadways are teleporters. They exist in matched pairs. The two in the green areas will transfer between themselves, as do the two in the swamp area. The one teleporter in the ice plains will send you to the far south-east one in the desert, but either desert teleporter will send you to the ice plains.
The two white lines that run north-south between the Prince and Princess of Earth's castles is a double row of north-pointing arows, whos function I've not yet ascertained. The wise traveller does not cross this. (Same deal as graves. It only takes once.)
The numbers are:
01: Prince of Earth (Hordthken) castle. You should go here first.
02: Princess of Earth (Hordthka) castle.
03: Prince of Water (Haaggkhen) castle.
04: Prince of Air (Naakhtkhen) castle.
05: Princess of Air (Naakhtka) castle.
06: Princess of Water (Haaggkha) castle.
07: Princess of Fire (Hazhulkha) castle.
08: Prince of Fire (Hazhulkhen) castle.
09: Weapon shop. You NEED to go here if you wanna live!
10: Temple of Redemption.
11: Tavern. Trade hints for Jade (only use I've found for it).
NOTE: This was written before completeing that game. Some information may be incomplete or just plain wrong. There are little guys that you will meet at various places on the roads. Thier locations are not indicated in any way. They will give you hints for free (if you can understand them, that is).
Boot up disk 2 to create new characters. When you are asked for the first name while creating a member, type "SUPERVISOR" and press 'RETURN'. Now enter a normal name for the character and continue the creation process. When you use this team of characters, the game works as usual except that when you press 'F10', all wounds are healed and dead characters are resurrected.
Or you can also do the following:
Boot up disk 2 to create new characters. When you are asked for the first name while creating the first character, type "31415927" and press 'RETURN'. Then enter a normal name for the character. This will give all your characters higher attributes.
Both cheats may be activated. Just enter "31415927" and press 'RETURN'. Next enter "SUPERVISOR" and press 'RETURN'. Then enter a normal name for the character.
All armor, treasure and weapons inside palaces are restocked every time you enter. Send the strongest character in to grab the equipment, then distribute it amoung your band. If you need some quick gold, do this repeatedly, then go see the weaponsmith.
Get all the expirence points you want by going to Prince Haagkens castle. Make your way past the bats, past the first fireplace with the trap to the second fireplace. In front of the fireplace is a switch that activates a door two or three rooms farther on in the castle when you step on it. This door leads to a water fountain. Looking into the fountain transports you to a room filled with water that has a never ending supply of water monsters. Take your best weapon and armour with you. Set your character on 'auto kill' and if he or she is able to hang in there, you can leave the character in the room for several hours or all night killing off zillions of monsters. Do this for each of your characters and you'll easily be able to kill the giant dragon.
TRAINING: When you are low level, you can increase your experience by deliberatly touchiing the wrong elemental symbol in the foyer of any castle with symbols, and then killing them. Over, and over, and over...
WEAPONSMITH: Following the road north from the Princess of Earth (or the Princess of Water), you will find the WeaponSmith's. This is a good place to visit if you find yourself getting killed a lot. He will sell you some improved armor and weapons over what you start with. If you play your cards right, you can get MUCH MUCH better equipment than the WeaponSmith has from various castles.
AUTO-ATTACK: Unless you are certain that you are in a hostile castle (like the Prince of Water's), it is a good idea NOT to have "auto-attack" on. When you meet a new creature, hit the greet button. If it responds with something like "You seem to be glorious warriors..." or "Hello.." or something that does not seem terribly unfriendly, leave them alone and they won't bother you! This is EXTREMELY important when dealing with the Dragon Princes!
EQUIP YOUR CHARACTER! You start the game with equipment, but none of it is readied.
Enter the very first castle you see. One of the red symbols will turn off the force fields. Touching the wrong one will cause monsters to appear. If you win the combat, leave the castle and save the game. You will be able to aquire experience this way. Explore the castle and you will find better armor and weapons.
Up the stairs and to the left you will find the Prince's apartments. When you enter each room, be sure that you are not in "auto-attack" mode, or the Prince will walk all over you. The Prince will give you a message to take to his sister, and directions to the castle.
Go to the Princess of Earth's castle, and the return to the Prince of Earth. He will give you (bad) directions to the next castle, the Prince of Water's.
Use the "unlock" spell to hold the drawbridge open. Go thru the castle, and you will pick up some AWESOME armor and weapons. If you find that you cannot survive in here, you need to either TRAIN or VISIT THE WEAPONSMITH (see note below).
From this point, I had no clue what to do, but stumbled across it anyway. From the WeaponSmith's go north to the Prince of Air's castle. You should recieve a ring that will lead you to the Princess of Air's castle (due west, in case you have trouble finding it).
In the Princess of Air's castle go thru the first door to the right, and the continue along until you find the Princess of Earth. She give you her gem, and tell you to go to the Princess of Water's castle (which until this point has been impossible to enter). From this point the gameflow was very easy to follow.
Visit the Princess of Water, and she will tell you to go kill the Prince of Earth (he's a weenie. piece of cake, really), and give you a real nice weapon and some cool armor to help you.
Kill the Prince of Earth and take his gem.
Return to the Princess of Water. She will give you her gem, and direct you to the Princess of Fire's castle (again, you should not have been able to enter here yet... I was able to, I assume this is a bug).
At the Princess of Fire's castle you will get yet another gem. And you will meet the Prince of Air, who will instruct you to kill his sister, the Princess of Air.
Kill the Princess of Air and take her gem. (Another easy combat, compared with what is to follow...) On leaving the castle the Prince of Air will meet you and give you his gem. He will note that you do not have the Prince of Water's gem (real swift ain't he?), and tell you to go get him. Also he tells you that the armies of the conspiracy surround the Prince of Fire (go team go! :-).
Go to the Prince of Water's castle. You will find him where there, even though he was not there the last time you entered.
SORRY: This is currently where I am at. This dude is one TOUGH cookie! All my characters are level 8 or 9, and he keeps hitting them with 100+ point fireballs! Talk about a quick combat! So far my most successful tactic was to cast "paralyze" on him and then attack him with a shield-ed, invisible character (protection = 104). No dice as of yet.